New Method of Quantum Healing
LNT therapy
A NEW LNT® THERAPY is the SCHWIDERSKI METHOD, it is a quantum therapy channeled by Philippe Schwiderski, an osteopath specialized in craniosacral biodynamics. THE NEW LNT® THERAPY helps to balance our energetic body, providing benefits on a physical and emotional level.
The Awakening of Energy allows you to experience first-hand the connection with the Source in a practical way. I will awaken your energy so that you become aware that you are much more than a physical body, balance your energy and can self-heal.
It is applied through the sensitivity of people, that is, that people can feel, perceive and intuit their environment, in order to see and delve into the different planes of being, to reach the origin of any ailment.
It gives your energetic body the balance it needs both physically and emotionally. This therapy can make you overcome numerous ailments such as migraines; body pains; contractures; joint pains; stress, anxiety; insomnia; infertility; allergies…