Quantum Healing
Quantum healing is a term that has been used by various alternative medicine practitioners and authors. Basically combines concepts from quantum physics with the principles of natural healing and well-being..
In the context of healing, quantum healing suggests that illness or disease can be addressed by understanding and working with quantum principles. Quantum healers believe that a person’s thoughts, emotions, and intentions can influence the energetic fields and vibrations within their body, and that by altering these energies, healing can occur.
Advocates of quantum healing may use various techniques to promote healing, such as meditation, visualization, intention setting, energy healing, and other practices. As practitioners we believe that by shifting one’s consciousness and focusing on positive intentions, it is possible to influence the quantum field and promote healing on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
It is important to note that quantum healing has gained popularity in alternative medicine circles, however is becoming more and more accepted by mainstream scientists .
It is always advisable to approach alternative healing practices with an open mind, and to consult with qualified medical professionals for any severe health concerns before you start adding quantum healing techniques to help you on your healing journey.